Sunday, February 24, 2008

Out of town...

Tomorrow I am going to a conference in Post Falls for 4 days. Ew. Northern Idaho in February... not my idea of a good time! Justin, always the super dad, took vacation to be able to stay home with the girls and run them all over creation like I do. The girls and I are really freaking out! Not that we doubt his daddy-ing skills, we are super scared about his hair-doing abilities... or lack thereof! So, while I am out of town, if you see my children looking rather um... disheveled, tell Justin that he did a great job then pull the girls around the corner and fix them!! The girls will never tell! I am a full believer that it takes a village to raise a child, well this week it's gonna take a village to do my girls' hair! I'll check back for reports on Friday. Have a great week!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Congrats Nate and Nancy!!!

This weekend we went to the wedding of our dear friends, Nate and Nancy Rydalch. It was a beautiful ceremony and they both were beaming from ear to ear the entire time. We are so happy for them and proud of their new little family!

We had to attend a baptism after that and the girls were just absolutey pooped!

They did look super cute earlier in the day, though...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

7 Things Tag...

Okay... things about me you don't already know. This might be difficult!

1. I can't stand dirt. Or being dirty.

2. I love to garden. Yes, I know there is dirt involved and I can't explain it, I just LOVE it! And I have a green thumb... so I've been told.

3. I'm really not as crafty as everyone thinks I am. I am a great copier!

4. I hate showering. I have a fear that Justin is going to come in and scare me when I have my eyes closed... probably because I do it to him! So I take baths, nice long hot ones.

5. I never wanted to have my own kids. I wanted to adopt (and someday we still might). I am not a big fan of pain, which as you moms know, is a requirement to bearing children.

6. I screen my calls... all the time.

7. I tried to set Justin up with another girl when we first met! She was a cute little LDS girl. He wasn't into her... thank goodness!

So there you go! Now I tag Tiff and Alicia. Have fun! By the way, I would tag Erin Davis, but well... where the heck is your blog?!

The Family Clown(s)

So the other night when we went to have our interview with the Stake President we had to wait out in the hall for quite a while. Really it was like 15 minutes, but with the girls it seemed like 45. They were getting restless and starting to act goofy and I had just finished reminding them who's House we were in and Justin pulls out this... I have never EVER seen him make this face and he feels that NOW, in the Stake Presidents office, is the place for this?! Are you kidding me?

So of course all of us bust up laughing and just when I think we've all got our giggles out I look over at Griffin... And she is also doing sound effects! I laughed so hard I cried, Lexi laughed so hard she tooted! And Griffin would NOT stop making the face! The Stake President came out and asked if everything was okay, since I was already crying! Griffin didn't show him the face, thank goodness. During my interview with him Justin and the kids kept the joke going and it was SO HARD to remain serious and focused because I could hear the giggling and I was picturing this face...

Monday, February 11, 2008

Families can be together forever....

We have finally made it! We are so happy to tell everyone that we have set a sealing date for our family! We are planning on the 22nd of March at the Idaho Falls Temple at 2:30 pm. Lexi's adpotion was made official on Sept. 11th, but we just recieved her birth certificate about 2 weeks ago, which is what we need to show them at the temple, to prove that we are now ALL Dance's! I have reserved a room for 20 people, so if you would like to attend please let me know as soon as possible. (UPDATE: we now have the room for up to 50 people, so if you would like to come, please do!)

Friday, February 8, 2008

My Man Tag

My Man

What is his name?
Justin D. Dance a.k.a. The Deputy

How long did you date?
We met in March, started dating in May, got engaged in July, and got married in September... all in the same year!

How old is he?

Who eats more sweets?
Me, for sure. He doesn't even like birthday cake!

Who said I love you first?
He did...

Who is taller?
The Deputy

Who can sing better?
We both sing, actually. He sang to me at our wedding, was in choir in high school, and thinks he is going to be the next American Idol! I sang in high school, and when I was Baptist, I sang in the church choir.

Who is smarter?
Um... It depends on the subject. Politics? Justin. Babies? ME! Bad drivers? Justin. Cooking? ME!

Who does the laundry?

Who pays the bills?
The Deputy

Who mows the lawn?
Marcia Yancey (the landlord's wife)

Who drives?
He does... I can't stand the pressure!

Who is more stubborn?

Who kissed who first?
I kissed him first...

Who asked who out first?
I think I asked him out first.

Who proposed?
He did. He asked if Lexi and I would marry him. How could we refuse?

Who has more siblings?
We each have 1 brother and 1 sister... although his actually speak to him!

Who wears the pants?
I do for sure, but on some things I let him think he does.

Sick pics

Before going to the doctor...

The "leaking" ear...

After the doctor, with her new "sexy pink earplugs" for bathtime!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Super Sick

Griffin was up all night last night complaining about how bad her ear hurt. She FINALLY went to sleep at about 5:30! Justin was super dad and stayed up with her and heated up her rice bag about 47 times. Love ya, babe! When Griffie woke up this morning she said her ear felt SO much better... she pulled the cotton out of it and it was soaked! So was her hair. This could be a problem. I called Becky, my bootleg doctor, and was instructed to get her to the doc immediately. So, we went to the clinic and SHOCK, she has a ruptured eardrum on the left side and the right side is just at the point where it could rupture. Sweet. So we are keeping her doped up on Tylenol and praying that there will be no school again tomorrow so she can get better!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

PMS at 8?!

Oh... my.... goodness! We are currently expeirencing what could be PMS. Or bratty-ness. Or spoiled child syndrome. Or maybe Lexi IS a normal 8 year old and I just need to put my big girl panties on and deal with it! Every Sunday morning we have a knock down, drag out fight about what she is going to wear to church. EVERY SUNDAY. It doesn't matter what I want her to wear, it's never what she wants. So every Sunday we all go to church extremly mad at each other and we don't have our arms folded because we're being reverent, it's cause we can't stand each other! This Sunday Lexi went to church with her arms folded and shivering because she had to take a "naughty shower" about 20 minutes before we had to leave.

We got into it again this morning about... wait fot it.... her clothes! Should I let her wear short sleeves to school when it's 8 degrees outside?! Not to mention that she wears the same 5 shirts over and over when she has about 35 in her closet!!!!! AAAGGGHHHH! I hope there are no more snow days any time soon.

We do fight about other things, but apperently this is what is really bothering me right now... Don't get me wrong, she is the most fabulous child ever! I guess that's why I get so upset when she's naughty. And I am totally not prepared for the "mom is SO un-cool" stage. When did I get lame???