Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I got to break out of jail for a bit today to venture up to see the doctor. Good news! I am still only dilated to a 2, but I am now 80% effaced. Crappy news... I am still on bed rest. UGH! I have another appointment Monday and I will be at 35 weeks then, so we will see what this little guy is doing... stay tuned!


Erin said...

You know that just because you are SO ready to be done - he won't come until a couple days before he is due. Been there!
Hang in there, I wish my doctor would put me on bed rest right now!

JC Photography said...

Okay your comment on my blog - HAA!!! I burst out laughing and couldn't stop. Todd kept asking "what are you laughing at?" and I couldn't answer him I was laughing so hard I was bawling! You are one funny, bed-ridden, pregnant girl! love your guts!