Monday, October 20, 2008

Speed Bump

I thought I'd take a minute to throw some well wishes out to my buddy and work partner Marcus. Early yesterday morning we were involved in a pursuit with a vehicle through Blackfoot that had alledgedly been involved in a hit and run accident.

After several minutes of pursuing the vehicle it came to a stop. Marcus went to the driver's side door and I went to the passenger side door in an effort to apprehend the driver. As Marcus (gently and ever so carefully ;)) pulled the driver out of the car it began to roll backwards. As it rolled backwards the driver's door knocked Marcus off balance and the car rolled over his legs coming to a stop on top of his knee as the suspect car had backed into Marcus' patrol car not allowing it to completely roll over his leg, therefore pinning Marcus under the car.

I later asked Marcus why he didn't just lift the car off of his leg....I mean it was just a Ford Taurus, not like it was an INL site bus or anything. Anyways....from my point of view I had no idea that the car had rolled over Marcus. All I knew was that for some reason the suspect was laying in the middle of the road all alone. So as part of my civic duty I ran over and placed her, (yes her) in handcuffs. As I was checking her for weapons I looked back towards the car to see where everyone was and I saw Marcus rolling around on the ground holding his leg. Fortunately another officer had jumped in the car and drove it off of Marcus' leg.

As it would turn out Marcus wasn't seriously hurt, he's obviously pretty sore and the suspect was apprehended before anyone else was injured but if you get a chance jump over to Marcus' family blog (see link) and wish him a speedy recovery. And please never ever drink and drive, after all it is #3 on my list of "How to get your trash kicked by the police"