Monday, October 13, 2008

Are you freakin' kidding me?!

I would love to know how it is medically possible to go from being dilated to a 2 to becoming un-dilated to a 1! Please, someone tell me how it is that happens!!! Needless to say, I am not super happy after my appointment today... the highlight of the day is that I am now officially off bed rest! Watch out world, I'm back and I'm fatter than ever!!! :)
I am still having contractions like a crazy person, so hopefully they will DO SOMETHING and by next week Justin will be blogging that we have a bouncing baby boy!
Thanks for all your help and prayers the last couple of weeks! I couldn't have made it this far without it!


JC Photography said...

What in the world!!!! Are you serious? That's crazy talk. I was waiting all weekend for a text from you saying you'd had him! Ugh - good luck! Try doing jumping jacks!

Erin said...

Yikes, steer clear of little miss happy this week! Let me take the girls!

MJCastleton said...

I know exactly how you feel! Allysa did that...and then decided to stay! I had to be started. I'm sure that won't happen with you. Hopefully he isn't switching positions on you! You better still take it easy girl!