Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Dance pics

Griffin's princess dance

Griffin's 3rd place prize

Griffin's hip hop dance (she is in the back on the left hand side)

Griffin cleaning the red smashed M&M off my bum... please no comments about the size of the bum!

Lexi concentrating very hard before her lyrical dance

Lexi's hip hop dance (super sorry about the red eye, I can't fix it, and my camera sucks!)


Megan and Alyvia said...

I love the dance pics, the girls look so cute! Their outfits are adorable. Tell them GOOD JOB!

It is finally warming up...Yay! We too are counting down the days when Livie can go outside and play. She talks about Lexi and Griffin all the time!

Cute new background by the way.

Erin said...

Congrats on the well done dance performance. They are so cute. I am trying to gear myself up to put Macie in dance somewhere. Who do you go to? I don't know if I am ready for the running non-stop and an increase in girl drama. We seem to be busting at the seams with that already. Glad you survived.

LexiandGriffinsTaxi said...

The girls dance for Wendy Schild at Diva Dance (it's right across the street from Wells Fargo). She does a 3:30 class on Tuesday's for girls Macie's age. Macie would LOVE it!

JC Photography said...

HA HA HA!!!! That was pretty funny when you sat on the M&M! Your girls did so good. YEAH DIVA DANCE!