Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy baby news!!!

Last week at the doctor's office was not only ultra sound day, it was also blood draw day for the quad screen... Justin thinks I should clarify the meaning of the quad screen... they test for Down's syndrome, spina bifida, Edward's syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities.
Of course, this is something I freak out about since, well, I freak out about everything. We got the phone call today from my boyfriend's office (um, I mean Dr. Leavitt's office) that everything is A-OK!!!
We are saying thank you to our Heavenly Father tonight for more blessings of healthy children! Also, so far my blood pressures have been super good, so we are hoping and praying that they will stay great and baby Aiden can cook till the 37 week mark.
FINGER UPDATE: (I know you are all on the edge of your seats) It's healing nicely, it's not as huge and disgusting as it originally looked... weird. But I was incorrect on the number of stitches. I got 6! Makes for a better story, right? :-)


Erin said...

That is great news! Now is Aiden the official name? That is cute. Hope things continue to go great, good luck through this now warm summer. Glad the finger is still hangin' in there.