Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Deputy's First Post

Okay, yes I did choose the title for the last post. However I originally wanted to title it "Balls and Weiner" but Summer said that was too inappropriate. Although she is going to have to get used to inappropriate with two of "us" running around soon. The doctor said that everything is appropriately "developed" so I'm pleased. We heard the heartbeat as well and everything looks great.

Summer has to go back in about a month so that he can take a look at all of the other organs. Apparently they aren't as "developed" as the man organ. Anyways, we are all very excited and looking forward to this new addition to our family. Summer is still somewhat in shock, but I have felt all along that it was going to be a boy. Don't get me wrong, I love my daughters and I wouldn't have it any other way. I would have been just as happy if it would have been a girl. I know it's not very manly, but I have enjoyed going to dance competitions and I am so proud of how much the girls progressed through their first year in dance. We continue to be blessed tremendously and we are so grateful just to have healthy, happy children. Until next time.........stay classy San Diego.


Jess and the KIDS!!!! said...

Cingradulations guys. Boys are SOOOO much fun. Not nearly as moody and dramatic as girls. Summer get ready for all the rough, roudy, and tumbles to come!

Erin said...

Nice job Justin, half the ward had bets you weren't man enough to make a boy!
I am a little worried about how he will ever survive growing up - if word gets out that his mom tweezes his back and such? He's doomed.
Congrats on the boy!

MJCastleton said...

Yay! I'm so excited for your family! I was wondering when you would be finding out. As beautiful as your girls are....I can only imagine what trouble the girls in Blackfoot will be in with your handsome guy! Keep us posted!

Sam and Ash said...

nice post - I myself would have LOVEd to see that blog title! Congrats! On to post on Summer's Friday the 13th debacle. ;>