Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy baby news!!!

Last week at the doctor's office was not only ultra sound day, it was also blood draw day for the quad screen... Justin thinks I should clarify the meaning of the quad screen... they test for Down's syndrome, spina bifida, Edward's syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities.
Of course, this is something I freak out about since, well, I freak out about everything. We got the phone call today from my boyfriend's office (um, I mean Dr. Leavitt's office) that everything is A-OK!!!
We are saying thank you to our Heavenly Father tonight for more blessings of healthy children! Also, so far my blood pressures have been super good, so we are hoping and praying that they will stay great and baby Aiden can cook till the 37 week mark.
FINGER UPDATE: (I know you are all on the edge of your seats) It's healing nicely, it's not as huge and disgusting as it originally looked... weird. But I was incorrect on the number of stitches. I got 6! Makes for a better story, right? :-)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Stupid Friday the 13th

I have never believed in the bad voodoo of Friday the 13th. Matt and Ann we talking about it on the Today Show yesterday morning and I remember rolling my eyes as I was straightening my hair.
Now here I sit, 24 hours later, a changed woman. Typing with 9 fingers really isn't that easy. Let me clarify. I still have ALL 10 fingers, but one is currently encased in a large hot pink bandage. I tried to cut it off. With a rotary wheel for cutting fabric. Good times.
My boss and I were going to make aprons for the girls. If they turned out cute then we were going to make them for the Foster Grandparent booth at the fair. (How cute would that be, matching mom and daughter aprons! I would totally buy that!!!) She was tracing the pattern and I was cutting the 2 1/2 inch strips for the straps and ruffles. I kid you not I was on the LAST strip. I was pressing really hard cause I was trying to get through 3 layers of fabric and then... sweet mother!
Now my dilemma is do I go to the ER in Bingham (I'd rather die... and you may die if you go there for treatment!) or the oh so super fabulous clinic (sense the sarcasm.). I chose the clinic. I walked in and the woman at the desk asked me how my day was and I said not so great. She asked how she could help me and I calmly stated, "I just need somebody to sew my finger back on." I was told to have a seat. Um, are you freaking kidding me?! I am possibly bleeding to death, may lose my finger and she tells me to have a seat!! What else could I do? I took a seat and cried my eyes out while my wonderful boss sat there with me and rubbed my back.
Long story short, 2 doctors later (I asked one to leave and never come back... he he he), 6 shots of lidocane, 5 stictches (yes, I may have over exaggerated about the bleeding to death and losing the finger thing... whatever. I've never had stitches before or inflicted such stupid and painful bodily harm on my self... ), and 1 super fun tetnus shot later I am all sewed back together.
I now believe in the bad voodoo of Friday the 13th and am now wondering where the crap I can purchase a lucky rabbits' foot... and how do you know it's lucky?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Deputy's First Post

Okay, yes I did choose the title for the last post. However I originally wanted to title it "Balls and Weiner" but Summer said that was too inappropriate. Although she is going to have to get used to inappropriate with two of "us" running around soon. The doctor said that everything is appropriately "developed" so I'm pleased. We heard the heartbeat as well and everything looks great.

Summer has to go back in about a month so that he can take a look at all of the other organs. Apparently they aren't as "developed" as the man organ. Anyways, we are all very excited and looking forward to this new addition to our family. Summer is still somewhat in shock, but I have felt all along that it was going to be a boy. Don't get me wrong, I love my daughters and I wouldn't have it any other way. I would have been just as happy if it would have been a girl. I know it's not very manly, but I have enjoyed going to dance competitions and I am so proud of how much the girls progressed through their first year in dance. We continue to be blessed tremendously and we are so grateful just to have healthy, happy children. Until next time.........stay classy San Diego.

Teste, teste, 1...2

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Happy birthday, Griffin!!! (It's only three weeks late...)

Griffin's actual birthday was May 14th. It was a great day. We took treats to school and dance and everyone she knew sang to her about 30 times that day... then she wanted to know when her party was going to be. Um, crap. What party? Little did I know that she had invited all the girls from her class and all the girls from dance, so now not only is Griffin asking me when her party is, but I have mom's coming up to me to find out all the party details. Um, crap.
I always say I do my best work under pressure, and once again, I proved my point. We went to a friends' birthday party the Saturday right after Griffin's b-day at the Bronco Barn here in Blackfoot. There were balloons and bounce houses, pizza, and ice cream and cake.. all for $50! Nice. I went to the counter and booked it for the next Saturday. A great time was had by all, and my favorite part... I didn't have to have any wild little girls at MY house! SO worth it!!! Here are some pics...
Griffin and her dancer girl cake

The super fun bounce houses

Um, he IS smiling....

Sunglasses from Karter and Kylie. I like the "tag still on" look.

So there you go, Griffin's birthday, in a nutshell, three weeks late! Have a great week!