Tuesday, April 7, 2009

No one told me boys do THAT...

Ew. Aidan peed in his own mouth. And then in his own ear. Sorry, no pics. I was to busy gagging. So was Aidan. Needless to say we were late for work that day... we both had to have a bath. Sick.


Leisja said...

Walls, my shirt, floor, but have not experienced the peeing in their own mouth. Sorry - sounds like a rough morning!

Leisja said...

Sorry, "Leisja" is actually Erin - she was on my computer, I didn't realize I was on her account.

JC Photography said...

That's totally gross, but also hilarious! Emma is actually sick so I have to keep taking her temperature. Not pleasant to begin with - but yesterday while I was taking it she decided to go poopy! It was a mess all over her, the thermometer, me, the changing area - it was a horrid explosion and Todd started laughing his head off because he was the only one NOT covered in poo!
So I'm feeling your pain girlfriend.