Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mr. Poopy Pants

Maybe after this I should change the title of my blog to... the Mis Adventures of Justin and Aidan... It's always some kinda mess with those two!!!

I walked in on this the other night...

EW! See what I mean? Nasty boys.


Erin said...

Wow, that was a doozy wasn't it! Gotta love the blow-outs, day after day after day...
Just think, when he is done with diapers you just have to scrub garbage cans that he seems to think is fun filling!

JC Photography said...

Wow, somehow I missed this post and Erin is right! That is a doozy! Seriously that's a lot of poopie! What are you feeding that boy? (so I can avoid it in the future) Eck - poor Detective Dance.