She really DID like the ice cream... it was just so COLD!
Um, could someone please wipe my face?
She really DID like the ice cream... it was just so COLD!
Posted by LexiandGriffinsTaxi at 1:00 PM 1 comments
It's ME!!! I win the award! Every single day that has passed I have suffered from the looming guilt of having an out of date blog. Serious.
So much yet so little has happened in the last week or two and I've really just been running around like a chicken with my head cut off! Work has been SO crazy, with school winding up and fundraisers being completed, and we are planning a huge recognition event for the Foster Grandparents (the theme is "A night at the Oscar's") in early May... and I am still not feeling super duper great. Hang on, I need a tissue! I am feeling so sorry for myself! =-)
The girls are... well... the girls. Lexi turned the big 09 on the 9th. We didn't celebrate her "big" day until Friday. She had a sleepover with her BFF, Jenna (she is a lovely little girl and is welcome back at my house anytime... weird, huh?) and Aunt Tiffy and the fam came over and we had a b-day dinner and brownies and icecream... I even let the kids eat in the living room so they could watch Waterhorse (best movie I've seen in ages, by the way). She said it was the best party ever... hang on a second! Even better than the princess cake party last year, or the invite ALL the girls in your class pizza party from 2 years ago?! Sweet sauce! Less work for me!
Griffin (mostly Justin) has decided she is going to be the next big soccer star. Especially when she saw the pink cleats and pink shin guards and pink socks! Oh, and the pink soccer balls... could life get any better than that?! Couldn't be!
They had yet another dance competition a couple weeks ago in Idaho Falls. Sorry, no pics. There was no camera or video allowed at this one. How dumb is that! Anywho- the girls were amazing, as always! Yes, I am trying to learn to be humble about their awesome-ness... I suck at humbleness, apparently. Lexi's team got second and third places in their dances. They did great! They had super tough, older competition, so we are very proud that they held their own against the big girls! Griffin's little princess team did great, too! They got first place in both of their dances! Whoo-hoo! Griffin says its cause she does "facials" (blows kisses and winks) at the judges. I think she may have a point. It's really the funniest thing ever.
Also, Lexi has decided that she will be preforming a solo on May 2 (I think) at the last dance competition of the year in Montpelier. She is doing a hip hop style dance and is working her little hiney off. She is going to rock! =-)
So, now you know whats going on in our little world and I've blogged your ears off and my thumbs off (I'm bloging from my phone, so this takes WAY longer than it should).
Oh, forgot to tell you one more thing... The deputy is doing great! He has been helping so much with running the girlies all over creation so I can take a nap, or fixing dinner... so I can take a nap! =-) He is such a great hubby! Thanks mom, for raising such an amazing man!
Posted by LexiandGriffinsTaxi at 8:26 PM 2 comments
Posted by LexiandGriffinsTaxi at 8:46 AM 6 comments
Sorry!I know my blogging skills have been severly missed this past week... It just seems that I had forgotten how much time and energy and (this is gross) throw-up it takes to be pregnant! All I ever want to do is nap. And snack. And then maybe nap again. SO, please be patient with me, I will try to do better!
Posted by LexiandGriffinsTaxi at 8:42 AM 2 comments