Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Um, is this thing on?

Okay, so after reading all the blogs of everyone in the free world... well like 10 people in our ward, I decided that I totally NEED a blog!!! I really don't even know what to say or who will read it, but at least I can say I have one now... So forgive me for my computer "special ed-ness" I will try to figure this thing out and not bore everyone to death!


Erin said...

Well isn't this exciting! As if we don't know enough about the Dance family already!:) I am thrilled I have one more family to stalk on the internet, one more reason to not clean my house, one more life to live vicariously through blogs! Let's make it good Summer.

Mom/Lisa said...

Hey this is pretty cool!! Way to go Summ...whoever signs on to this may or may not understand what has been happening lately...and I apologize to my children..for not listening to them and taking them serious on behalf of Mom..They have been my eyes and ears on her behalf and I'm so grateful for that..I know they have spent many,many hours with her and helping her on a daily basis..they have seen the good days and also been involved in the bad..and they are very glad that they have been there to help, but I feel its time to really listen as a family to what they are saying..I have to trust in their judgement when they tell me that Mom needs some help..because I know they would not say anything unless they are very concerned..they did not do it too make or point fingers at ANYONE..and even though Mom doesn't always see things that way..it's time that my brothers and siter as Mom's children, really stand back and evaluate everything..and I know none of us want to tell Mom it's time she needs to be with someone 24-7 nor do any of us want to think about not letting her drive..but the truth is whether we want to admit it or not we really need to take a look..we are slowly becoming Mom's parents and as we all know sometimes we just have to take a stand and say no...I truly feel that Mom needs to be with someone 24-7 yes, she is getting help with medication but are we sure that that is the only cause of the incidents that have happened and continue to happen..I'm willing to take Mom and work with my brothers and sister to make this all work out..I'm also very concerned about her driving..Yes,I realize that so far she has done ok..but I feel it will not get better and if any of you have ridden with mom or followed her she does have some serious issues..is it time that we make a decision on her behalf..for the safety of her and others..part of me says yes and as everyone feels no one wants to do that..but as we all know life isn't always easy and decisions aren't easy...and I'm not saying in any way shape or form that Mom is incapable of taking care of herself and we just need to roll her up and make her sit all day and do nothing..that is not the intention that my children had in this...and did not do it to point fingers or blame anyone..they are just trying to get our attention..so that we may really take a look at this in the whole picture..If I have upset anyone I'm sorry..but it's time we talk and come to an agreement either way it needs to be ALL OF US...like it or not we have all been hoping that this time in her life would never come..but it is and it's not going to reverse itself..it will change everone's life..but do we all just keep putting it off and telling ourselves that it really isn't that bad...I don't know..you guys tell me..yes I'm the youngest..but my Mom means a great deal to me..and even though the time will come when she is not here..I cant' just sit back and pretend everything is ok..This probably isn't what Summer had in mind for this..but as you all know..I have a very hard time standing up against others really telling how I feel..so by writing this and hoping that all my family will look at this..We can come to an agreement and do what we really feel is best for her...I LOVE YOU ALL..I DON'T LIKE THAT WE HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS..BUT AS I SAID BEFORE I THINK ITS TIME WE ALEAST LOOK AT THIS SERIOUSLY AND NOT JUST BLOW IT OFF..

Mom/Lisa said...

hey sorry about the previous letter I was thinking that it was for our family...not their dear friends also...so please ignore what I sent earlier...yes the Dance's are crazy..but most of you all ready know that...And yes those are MY BEAUTIFUL GRANDCHILDREN!!!!

Megan and Alyvia said...

YIPPIE!!! You guys have a blog, I am excited! And hello, your page is totally cute...your kids are even cuter! I love the pic of them, it is sooo cute. Well, I am glad I can check your blog to see whats going on....even though I live like 10 feet away....I've been a crappy neighbor lately, this home lockdown stuff kinda stinks! We miss you guys!!
Oh, and I love what Erin said....so ture, now I have just another reason to not clean my house!! haha (;
I am adding you to my friend list RIGHT now!!